I am going to assume that you have setup some disks on your MD3000i (or similar) and that you just need to setup the disk-host mapping. During this section I will let you know when you can go off and complete this. I am not going to go into the setup of the MD3000i, that is another discussion.

The open-iscsi version supplied with Debian etch, is a little outdated, and the modules cause the kernel to crash. For this reason I have grabbed the source from open-iscsi and created a new open-iscsi package, and new modules source ready to build.

If you have already added my repository to your apt-sources and installed the software as above, you already have the new version of open-iscsi. Now we need to build the new modules.

iSCSI Modules

Lets get the source and put it in /usr/src, compile and install it.

eddie:~# cd /usr/src
eddie:/usr/src# wget
eddie:/usr/src# tar -jxf open-iscsi-2.0-868_modules.tar.bz2
eddie:/usr/src# cd ../open-iscsi-2.0-868_modules
eddie:/usr/src/open-iscsi-2.0-868_modules# make install

iSCSI Discovery

Before we can do the host-disk mapping on the MD3000i, we need to discover the targets.

eddie:~# iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p

Host Disk Map

Now go off to your MD3000i add your host, and then map the disk to your host.

iSCSI Login

We need to login to the targets, so that we can get some sessions and see the disk.

eddi:~# iscsiadm -m node -l

Now make sure that you ccan see some new SCSI disks, using dmesg or other similar methods.

If you add more disk to your host-disk map on the MD3000i, you can simple run

eddi:~# iscsiadm -m session -R

to rescan for new devices.

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